Banana peel water – Elixir for Plants

Create an all-natural liquid organic fertilizer filled with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen using just banana peels and water. This combination feeds and strengthens plants and helps them resist diseases and pests.



Approx 20 banana peels in 6 litres of water


Chop up 


Pour in the water.. Cover and leave for 3 days in a bright place.. avoid direct sunlight



Strain the mixture


Ready to be given!!

It provides your plants with:
Potassium: This nutrient helps your plants grow strong roots, and it also helps enable good distribution of water and nutrients. Potassium helps regulate plant enzymes and supports your plants in growing stronger stems. All of this works together to help grow strong, sturdy disease and pest appellant plants.
Phosphorus: This nutrient also helps build healthy roots and shoots, and it is absolutely essential for successful production of blossoms, pollen and fruit. Plants that receive plenty of phosphorus grow big and strong.
Calcium: Roots and stems are also dependent upon ample calcium for strength and proper development. Calcium assists in breaking down soil nutrients such as nitrogen, and it supports other minerals in moving through a plant’s system.
Magnesium: This mineral supports healthy photosynthesis, which is absolutely essential for all aspects of plant growth and health.
Procedure to prepare this mixture is written with the pictures. AND dilute this mixture with 10 parts water. Use it every 15 days!!